Weiss Spindel for robots

Compact spindle for CNC machining with robots

Weiss milling spindle

For use on robots, the spindles are specially designed to meet the high weight requirements and minimise the number of different operating media.

Weiss Spindel for robots

These requirements are crucial, as robots in industrial automation often require high precision and efficiency, which is supported by a low component weight and a minimised number of operating media.

The spindles must therefore be robust and lightweight at the same time so as not to impair the mobility and performance of the robots. Another advantage of WEISS spindles in this area is that they can be optionally equipped with the ISO 9409-1 standardised interface to the robot. This increases the flexibility and application possibilities of the robots, as they can be easily equipped with WEISS spindles and adapted to different applications.

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Typ  A B C D
Leistung [kW]  4.4  6.6  14.4 
Gewicht [kg]  8.9  25.7  31
Drehzahl [min-1]  40000  18000  18000 24000
Drehmoment [Nm]  1.4  4.5  11  20
Bemessungsstrom [A]  10 12 24 29
Werkzeugaufnahme  HSK-E25  HSK-A32  HSK-A32 
